Please see MATHnet as well.


    Being a scientist:

    Concerning preprints/papers:


    SYM lectures

    We have a monthly SYM lecture about center research, usually held 12:05-13:00 on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Sandwiches are provided, and the 45 minutes lecture is supposed to be elementary aimed at all center members. This page lists every abstract of the lectures.

    SYM meetings

    On the 1st Wednesday of every month (except July and Aug) we have a SYM meeting 12:05-13:00, about practical matters at the center, and announcement of new research results. Summaries of previous meetings below:

    Organizing/announcing events and hosting visitors:

    • Everyone is encouraged to organize events: masterclasses, seminars, etc., and to invite visitors. Consult with your advisor/mentor if in doubt.
    • Choosing dates for event: Check the MATH calendar and the SYM conference list.
    • Announcing seminars and guests: Seminars should be announced as early as possible on the MATH calendar, and guests in the guests database. You can announce guests as "to be confirmed". Please remember to add the associated research groups as tags.
    • Announcing masterclasses and conferences: They should have their own website, which should be linked from a) the MATH calendar b) the MATH conference list c) the SYM conference list, as well as d) the NCG and/or TOP webpage. You can consult previous events for the exact format. Guests needing an office should also be announced in the guests database. Please announce both the overall event in the calendar (early!), as well as the individual talks (when the schedule becomes available). You are strongly encouraged to put up scanned notes of the lectures etc. after the conference.

    Buying air tickets:

    To buy air tickets you should use Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT).  Please follow the guide on MATHnet.

    Remember to update your profile in CWT.  You only need to type in passport number, preferred identification, etc., once if you add it to your profile.  If CWT's interface is in a language you don't speak, you should change language (sprog) in your profile (rejseprofil).
