5 Mar. 2025, 16:00-17:00 Geometry Seminar: S. Tahvildar-Zadeh (Rutgers (New Brunswick)) Title: Singularity Theories of Matter, Weak Second Bianchi Identity, and Bray's Mass of ZASS
19 Feb. 2025, 16:00-17:00 Geometry Seminar: D. Semola (Vienna) Title: The large-scale structure of 4-manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature and Euclidean volume growth.
14 Jan. 2025, 17:15-18:15 Geometry Seminar: Jialing Zhang (U British Columbia) Title: Harnack type inequality and Liouville theorem for subcritical fully nonlinear equations.
8 Jan. 2025, 16:15-17:15 Geometry Seminar: Aditya Kumar (Johns Hopkins) Title: Positive scalar curvature and exotic structures on simply connected four manifolds.
7 Jan. 2025, 15:15-16:15 Geometry Seminar: Dongyeong Ko (Rutgers) Title: Equivariant Simon-Smith min-max theory and minimal hypersurfaces with arbitrarily large Betti number on high dimensional spheres
11 Dec. 2024, 16:00-17:00 Geometry Seminar: F. Litzinger (Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg) Title: Curve shortening flow in high codimension
4 Dec. 2024, 15:15-16:15 Department Christmas Colloquium - Eva Miranda Eva Miranda (Professor at Universitat Politecnica Catalunya and CRM, Barcelona, and Humboldt Professor at Universität zu Köln).
27 Nov. 2024, 16:00-17:00 Geometry Seminar: Reto Buzano (UniTo) Title: Convergence of sequences of gradient shrinking Ricci solitons
13 Nov. 2024, 16:00-17:00 Geometry Seminar: Lucas Lavoyer (Mathematics Münster Cluster of Excellence) Title: Smoothing out polyhedral manifolds via Ricci flow
13 Nov. 2024, 15:00-16:00 Geometry Seminar: Z. Greenberg (University of Heidelberg) Title: Using Cluster Algebras to Compute Restriction of Anosov Subgroups of Sp(2n,R)
6 Nov. 2024, 16:00-17:00 Geometry Seminar: A. Savas-Halilaj (University of Ioannina) Title: Codimension two graphical mean curvature flow.
23 Oct. 2024, 16:00-17:00 Geometry Seminar: G. Pipoli (L'Aquila) Title: Constant mean curvature hypersurfaces in Hn×R with small planar boundary.
16 Oct. 2024, 16:00-17:00 Geometry Seminar: R. Assimos Martin (Leibniz Universität Hannover) Title: Remarks on the Calabi-Yau problem in higher codimension
9 Oct. 2024, 16:00-17:00 Geometry Seminar: G. Di Matteo (KIT) Title: Higher dimensional Sacks-Uhlenbeck approximation
17 Sept. 2024, 13:15-17:15 The Øresund Seminar Fall 2024 (jointly U Lund-U Copenhagen) The Øresund Seminar on Analysis, PDE & Related Topics
18 June 2024, 13:15-18:00 The Øresund Seminar Summer 2024 (jointly U Lund-U Copenhagen) The Øresund Seminar on Analysis, PDE & Related Topics
3 June 2024, 15:15-16:15 Harald Bohr Lecture: Jean Francois Le Gall Jean Francois Le Gall (Professor at l'Université Paris-Saclay)
29 May 2024, 16:15-17:15 Geometry Seminar: A. Roncoroni (Milan) Title: Stable minimal hypersurfaces in R^4
8 May 2024, 16:15-17:15 Geometry Seminar: A. Chalumeau (Strasbourg) Title: Proper quasi-homogeneous domains of Einstein's universe.
8 May 2024, 16:15-17:30 Geometry Seminar: Adam Chalumeau (Strasbourg) Title: Proper quasi-homogeneous domains of Einstein's universe.
29 Apr. - 3 May 2024 Masterclass: Recent Progress on Singularity Analysis [...] Mean Curvature Flow Recent Progress on Singularity Analysis and Applications of the Mean Curvature Flow.
24 Apr. 2024, 11:00-12:00 Geometry Seminar: A. Vogiatzi (Queen Mary Univ London) Title: High Codimension Mean Curvature Flow in ℂPn.
22 Apr. 2024, 15:15-16:15 Harald Bohr Lecture & Danish Mathematical Society Abel Prize Lecture László Lovász (Professor Emeritus of the Eötvös Loránd University and Research Professor of the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics) will talk about: Discrete or continuous?
3 Apr. 2024, 16:15-17:15 Geometry Seminar: J. Sbierski (Edinburgh) Title: The C^0-inextendibility of a class of FLRW spacetimes.