2 Apr. 2025,
Weekly Seminars
The currently running seminars are listed below. See the calendar for individual talks.
- Algebra/topology seminar: Mondays at 15:15, usually in Auditorium 8.
- Operator algebra seminar: Wednesdays at 15:15, usually in Auditorium 8.
- ALG/NCG/TOP PhD students' seminar: Every other Friday at 15:15, usually in Auditorium 8.
- What is...? seminar: Every other Friday at 15:15, usually in Auditorium 8. A seminar aimed at PhD students and postdocs, inspired by a column in the Notices of the American Mathematical Society. The aim is to give people a taste of mathematics a bit beyond what they know.
Some past reading seminars:
- Baby-NCG seminar
- Subgroup Complexes
- Topological Cyclic Homology (Spring 2014)
- Stable Homotopy Theory (Fall 2012)
- Leavitt path algebras (Fall 2012)
- Moduli Spaces on Manifolds (Spring 2012)
- Parametrized seminar (2010/11)
- Topology reading seminar (Fall 2011)
- Free probability seminar (Spring 2011)
- Flow equivalence of shift spaces (and their C*-algebras) (Spring 2011)
- Fusion and block theory seminar (Fall 2010)
- Spectral sequences reading seminar (Spring 2010)
- K-homology reading seminar (Spring 2010)
SYM Lectures
SYM lectures on centre related topics are usually held 12:05-13:00 on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Sandwiches are provided, and the 45 minutes lecture is supposed to be
More on the calendar
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