20 September 2013
Rolf Jørgensen, new SYM student assistant
SYM student helper
Rolf Jørgensen has been hired as student assistant at the Centre for Symmetry and Deformation.
Rolf will help keeping the SYM homepage updated. He will also help with worskhops, masterclasses, etc. plus other sorts of practical problems. You are welcome to ask him administrative questions; what he doesn't know yet, he would probably like to learn.
Rolf has a desk in office 04.1.17. His office hours in block 1 are Tuesdays 16-18, Wednesdays 15-17, and Thursdays 14-17. You can also reach him at rolf.jorgensen@math.ku.dk.
Rolf is now in the 3rd year of his math studies, and he lists algebra and ring theory among his favorite subjects.