25 Apr. 2025,
SYM Lectures
SYM lectures on center related topics are usually held 12:05-13:00 on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Sandwiches are provided, and the 45 minutes lecture is supposed to be elementary aimed at all center members.
- 2018-03 What is topological cyclic homology? (T. Nikolaus)
- 2017-12 Cohomology of finite group schemes (J. Pevtsova)
- 2017-11 Knot contact homology and its higher genus generalizations (T. Eckholm)
- 2017-02 Tsirelson’s problem (D. Garcia)
- 2017-01 What is applied topology? (slides, notes) (K. Hess)
- 2016-12 The tangent groupoid (N. Higson)
- 2016-11 Visit by DNRF
- 2016-10 What do trees and circles have in common? (N. Monod)
- 2016-09 Presentations of June-August arXiv preprints
- 2016-04 Index theorems: how they govern (some aspects of) geometry (T. Schick)
- 2015-11 Semigroup C*-algebras (J. Cuntz)
- 2015-10 Postdoc speed dates
- 2015-09 Postdoc speed dates
- 2015-01 When does a group act properly on a contractible n-manifold? (M. Davis)
- 2014-12 The Thompson groups F, T, V and their C*- and von Neumann algebras (U. Haagerup)
- 2014-11 PhD student speed dates
- 2014-06 informal last-week-before-Summer meeting
- 2014-05 An alternative appoach to Witt vectors (C. Deninger)
- 2014-04 Supramenable groups. (M. Rørdam)
- 2014-03 The C*-algebras of right-angled Artin–Tits monoids (slides, notes) (S. Eilers)
- 2014-02 On the topology of steel (F. Lutz)
- 2014-01 Index and determinant of n-tuples of commuting operators (R. Nest)
- 2013-12 informal last-day-before-Christmas meeting
- 2013-11 What is flow equivalence of SFTs and sofic shifts (and why)? (M. Boyle)
- 2013-10 What is an index theorem? (E. Schrohe)
- 2013-09 postdoc mathspeeddate 18 x 5 minutes (no notes)
- 2013-05 Isomorphism conjectures (W. Luck)
- 2013-04 Closed geodesics on 2-spheres (N. Hingston)
- 2013-01 An approach to the Novikov conjecture (B. Tsygan)
- 2012-10 Survey on the classication of von Neumann factors of type II_1 (N. Ozawa)
- 2012-09 Aperiodic tilings (J. Savinien)
- 2012-06 Failure of excision in algebraic K-theory (L. Hesselholt)
- 2012-05 Factorizable completely positive maps and quantum information theory (M. Musat)
- 2012-04 The de Rham complex of a Poisson manifold (B. Vallette)
- 2012-03 The structure of C*-algebras of minimal dynamical systems (C. Phillips)
- 2012-02 Classifying spaces and cohomology of finite groups (D. Benson)
- 2012-01 Moduli spaces of manifolds (S. Galatius)
- 2011-11b Homotopy and vector bundles of non-constant rank (A. Toms)
- 2011-11a My favorite conjecture...
- 2011-10 Pertubations of operator algebras (E. Christensen)
- 2011-09 Euler characteristics (J. M. Møller)
- 2011-08 Shape theories of commutative and non-commutative spaces (T. Katsura)
- 2011-06 Controlled topology (E. K. Pedersen)
- 2011-05 Chromatic homotopy theory (H. Miller)
- 2011-04 von Neumann algebras and groups (U. Haagerup)
- 2011-03 C3b: Classification of non-simple C^*-algebras (S. Eilers)
- 2011-02 C3a: Classification of simple C^*-algebras (M. Rørdam)
- 2011-01 B3: Algebraic K-theory and classification of manifolds (I. Madsen)
- 2011-12 A3: Homotopy theory of loop groups and affine p-compact groups (J. Grodal)
- 2011-11 C2: Index theorems and deformation quantization (R. Nest)
- 2011-10 B2: Symmetry of n-manifolds (N. Wahl)
- 2011-09 A2: Group actions via homotopy theory (J. Grodal)
- 2011-06 C1: Baum-Connes conjecture (R. Nest)
- 2010-05 B1: Symmetry of Riemann surfaces (N. Wahl)
- 2010-04 A1: p-local finite groups (J. Grodal)
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